Quick fire buttons

Is kJams missing a feature you need? Post it here! Note: if iTunes has it but kJams doesn't, it's a good bet kJams will have it, but that I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But go ahead and request it anyway!
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Quick fire buttons

Post by DaveT »

Hi Dave -- must admit i was a bit nervous of changing across to using my mac and the kjams software, but the regrets have been zero so far. One of the best purchases i have made in a long time.

One feature that i havent seen requested and im amazed it hasnt.

Imagine the scenario. You are mid show and someone requests to sing a song for someones birthday / anniversary etc etc. I have got used to my other karaoke hosting program having a line of about 8 or so buttons where i have preloaded songs to these buttons, such as "happy birthday" "congratulations" etc. I have a folder with these type of songs sitting in kjams, but as you can imagine it takes a bit of time to search the song out then swap whoever is in the rotation with it.

A row of buttons across the top that are assignable to certain songs (or even videos??) that can be hit anytime and play immediately would be so helpful it would be incredible. I also use these buttons not just for celebration songs but also pi$$ takes of some of my regulars that look like tv people, so i play "their song" (the tv show theme tune) as they walk up to the stage -- they love it and gets them a bit more attention, in fact some of my regulars are a bit peeved if i dont play it lol

Many Thanks Dave


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Re: Quick fire buttons

Post by dave »

you said "folder" but did you mean "playlist" ?

if so i recommend you don't try to get that one-off song into their Singer to play thru the rotation, just double click it and play it outside the rotation, then go back to the rotation.

you could also try a separate program:

i'll add this feature request to the list but it hasn't come up before.

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Re: Quick fire buttons

Post by DaveT »

Thanks Dave -- you are correct -- its on a playlist. I created a folder on my Hard drive with all the songs i use for quick fire, added it into KJams, then created a playlist for them all

Thanks for adding it to the feature request :)


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Re: Quick fire buttons

Post by DeusExMachina »

You can always just add an *interlude singer, that contains all these songs, and move it anywhere you want in the rotation, or just play the song from the *interlude singer's History list by double clicking on it. No need for quick fire buttons cluttering up the main window.

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Re: Quick fire buttons

Post by dave »


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