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Forum for discussing issues with the 64bit version of kJams

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Multiple views but buggy
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Post by dave »

Here's the deal with Video playback:

First, by "video", I mean movie files like mpeg, mp4, h.264, etc.

The framework I'm using is called "Qt". It has a media playback engine. Problem is, in Qt5 (that's version 5 of the Qt Libraries), it hogs the CPU so badly that other things can't get done, like seeing if you pressed the stop button, or noticing that it's time to put on the next song, or scrolling the window. I couldn't have known it was so bad until AFTER I wrote all the code already, so we're stuck with this problem. Also, there are bugs too: sometimes it just won't properly start, and shows only black frames. Frankly there is nothing i can do about this. It works sometimes, and it works okay if the video is kinda small.

However, there is hope on the horizon: there is an update called Qt6. This has fixed both of the above problems. However, Qt6 is beta, so it is missing some critical functionality: You can't show the video frames in multiple views! So if you use the Video window AND the second Video window and/or the "Artwork" panel (the little monitor in the lower left of the main window), they won't work! Of less importance but still critical, same problem with Video input, no way to send the video to multiple views.

So we have a dilemma: buggy video, or no multiple views.

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Re: Latest News

Post by dave »

Qt6 is turning out to be great. I fixed the ability to show video frames in multiple views, including with video input.

The one remaining issue is audio decoding into the correct format, which is coming on the 19th of September if the schedule doesn't slip.

Then i'll make a new release based on Qt6, which will fix the CPU hogging problem!

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Re: Latest News

Post by dave »

Back from vacation!

Audio decoding works already, as you may know, and the current release is Qt6 which fixes much of the CPU hogging problem. There are some browser window bugs that are quite vexing, that I will be addressing soon.

One feature (pair actually) I HAD to get in was Ripping and Burning. They are both working now, but a fumbled release caused me to revert to the previous. You'll see the update next week!

Then, I will be working on bugs for the next couple months.

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Re: Latest News

Post by dave »

finally got the LAME mp3 library linking correctly so now kJams 64bit can launch on mac

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Re: Latest News

Post by dave »

The 64bit Beta is ready to go. Windows has an installer finally. Go get it!
