Running both versions

Forum for discussing issues with the 64bit version of kJams
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Running both versions

Post by HowardBrazee »

I ran kJams 2 beta and waited for it to modify the SQL database. I then added a new song and played a song.

I then ran the old kJams and saw a blank line for the new song that was added, and the song I played wasn't shown as played today.

I played a few songs, quit kJams 2, and started kJams 2 beta. Those songs aren't marked as played today.

So people who need kJams working, be aware that the databases don't update together, even if they are the same database.

I wonder if I'll be able to clean-up good when I drop the old kJams altogether.

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Re: Running both versions

Post by dave »

i'm sorry if this wasn't clear but don't change the 64bit database and expect it to be correct when you go back to 32. we are NOT testing "switching back and forth", cuz that's not possible and never will be. you CAN add stuff to 64bit but it won't be there in 32. and do NOT edit meta data in 64 cuz you can RUIN your 32 database that way.
to be clear they are not the same database.
when you edit stuff, do it in 32, then throw out the 64 database (and backups) and let it rebuild

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