ijams without internet connection

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ijams without internet connection

Post by Brendan »

How can i use ijams to communicate with my laptop when i go to a friends house who does not have internet? Can i use bluetooth or bonjour? Does iphone have bonjour and how would i set this up? - Thank you

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by dave »

Create an ad-hoc network on your mac. Join the iPhone to this network. You're done! YAY!

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by Brendan »

Well that was quite easy. Thanks!

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by jfbiii »

OK, I hate to be stupid end-user, but I'm over 40 so it's apparently my turn. Could someone post the exact configuration steps for my laptop that it takes for someone to download iJams or iJams Lite and "it just works?" I spent about 30 minutes thursday night before my show trying to set it up to work on someone's iPhone and was unable to get it to work. I went so far as to turn off the firewall, set up a "computer to computer" network via the Airport pulldown in the menu bar with a super simple name, and enabling web serving in sharing preferences. I couldn't get any combination of these to work.

Am I just missing something obvious? I'm a little hampered by not having an iPod Touch or iPhone to mess with during the week to try to figure it out. But I really would like to start encouraging people to start using their devices instead of books.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by karaokeblvd »

LOL. I'm 40 too and without an iphone...
I've been with Dave and Kjams a long time, and got myself in the habit of NOT using the venue and singer feature (it was a bit buggy at first and I was afraid of everything crashing).
I had the same problem trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, or what I wasn't doing at all to make it work.
Do you have a venue name in the playlists window.
I did that and now all the pieces have come together.
good luck

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by dave »

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by jfbiii »

Thank You! :)
From he to whom much liquor is given...much singing is expected.

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by jfbiii »

Just one more quick question...if I use the same ad-hoc network name every week, will iPhones treat it as a "known" network and automatically reconnect or will user have to select it each week?
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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by dave »

if I use the same ad-hoc network name every week, will iPhones treat it as a "known" network and automatically reconnect

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by jfbiii »

Sweet. Crossing my fingers that I can set some folks up this week. I have a feeling that once I get a few it will be easy to get the rest to do it.
From he to whom much liquor is given...much singing is expected.

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by jfbiii »

No joy. I follow the directions, but when I go to the iPhone wireless option page, it shows the ad-hoc network from my MacBook Pro; when I select the one I set up I get another screen with DHCP/Manual/Static options. I ignored it and went on to iJams but couldn't get it to find the venue. Not sure if I'm supposed to do something else in that next menu or not. Also, I don't know how old or new this particular phone was and maybe it's just not up to date.
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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by dave »

don't tap the blue arrow on the right, tap the middle of the white box.

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by jfbiii »

Worked like a charm! And the folks who used it loved it. THANK YOU!
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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by edbronson »

Used adhoc first time, I bought it, worked on iPad, users loved it, I just had my assistant visit the tables, add users and add songs to users tonight lists. Wish it could see existing singers that wasn't set up with ijams, if I add users in Kjams, ijams don't see these singers, just a matter of time, we have faith in our developers.

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Re: ijams without internet connection

Post by dave »

for a singer created in kJams to show up on the web (or iJams), you must add a password.

to add a password to a singer, in kJams, context-click the singer name and pick "Get Info"

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