wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

All about the iOS / Android / Web / Other apps that can be used with kJams! Questions, bug reports, feature requests!
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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by dave »


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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by Smokinjoe »

Any update on the Android hook?

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by dave »

i got nothin'

it's all volunteer based, it seems that folks get excited but then since i don't make enough money to pay people, the excitement sortof peters out... :(

if anyone wants to take up the gauntlet and maybe start an open source project....

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by TLB »

How much money are we talking to get people motivated? If I knew how to program, I would gladly jump on this. I have people at every show begging for an android app. I would love to have an answer for them.

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by dave »

i don't really know, i'd guess if we can come up with $1,500 we can hire a freelancer? that's a guess, and also i'm NOT volunteering to manage the freelancer (i have no time at all, unfortunately)

but i'd recommend using "freelancer.com"

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by TAZZ »

what would be cool in the future would be that you could control your kjams from the app, android that is, to windows kjams.
say if you were away from the laptop. control or mirror.
also be able to log into the library from ios or android to view from your phone permission from kj only, changeable log in for different venues.
just a thought.

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by dave »

yes, i know. i'd love to do that. alas, i am swamped already.

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by Krisko »

Yeh... kind of seems like the android app is a pipe dream.
My singers love the wtkjams app for iPhone tho. It's kind of too bad really. I wish I had stayed with school... I was actually going for programming lol.

Maybe we're thinking about it wrong though. Do you think the web app could be overhauled to be phone/tablet friendly? I know this would cause discovery issues, but could that be a step in the right direction?

At least that way it wouldn't have to be updated every year with new iOS/Android releases.

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by dave »

yes, the web app certainly could be fixed.

do you know any web app programmers?

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by Krisko »

I know of a couple. Not many with the skills to reverse engineer, and recode to both integrate into kjams, and satisfy both iOS and Android.

I know of one out of town who's wicked smart tho... I'll try to shoot him a message and see what he says.

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by dave »

there would be no reverse engineering, because i'd give them the spec. it would not affect wtkJams because you're writing a client, the server isn't going to change except to add required functionality.

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by Krisko »

Sorry dave... read too far into that. That's essentially what I was trying to do last year, but I have very limited web knowledge.

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by dave »

well, let me know if any of your web-app programming friends are interested.


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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by karaokeniagara »

dave wrote:well, let me know if any of your web-app programming friends are interested.

Wendy@purecanadiandesign.com is in colledge her coarses included many aspects of programming including visual studio, ios and also android. She is currently taking on new projects for school. Give her shout. :D

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Re: wtkJams 1.0.6 Android

Post by dave »

mebbe you could talk to her? i'd feel weird about it

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