Issue with playing songs out of order & strange random error

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Issue with playing songs out of order & strange random error

Post by djvoltron »

Here i am clicking on the second song in the singers playlist
Here i am clicking on the second song in the singers playlist
This is another issue that I had last night. I would have two songs assigned to a singer. when I click the second song, the first one would play.

If you see in the picture I have two songs. Im clicking on song #2, but song #1 would play. Here is another video of this happening from my macbook ... sp=sharing

If I click on song #1, i just want that song to play, or I expect the software to do nothing(if the song is corrupted for example).

Several times i ended up playing the same song again because I click on a song assigned to the singer that was further down on that list, but it would instead skip to another song(ie the first song) in that same singers playlist.
not sure if this is related to the corrupted file issue or not. The file in this scenario (song #2) is a corrupted file. But this scenario where I clicked on one song under a singer, and a different song played happened several times last night. i created a singer named "unknown" where i put all the songs requests that I got when I didnt get the name of the singer who will be singing. so i had around 5 or 6 songs under one singer named"unknown".

Here is the other issue, I get strange errors like purchase errors, Here I am just going thru songs from last night im playing only songs in my library(corrupted song issues) , im not purchasing any songs, but I am getting purchase errors
random errors
random errors
Here is where the first song is playing , even though i clicked on song #2
Here is where the first song is playing , even though i clicked on song #2

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Re: Issue with playing songs out of order & strange random e

Post by dave »

when I click the second song, the first one would play
Okay, that's not how Rotation works. You're thinking of it as a playlist, and it's not.

First: you should only be using the "KJ Rotation" to manage things, do NOT use "Rotation", as that is meant to be simply informational, although many operations DO work in there, it's not MEANT to be used that way, eg: you can't skip into a future rotation, which is what you tried to do.

second: if you used the "KJ Rotation" instead, as you should, you'd have only seen one entry, and it'd be more obvious that you'd need to *switch* the singer's song.
I get strange errors like purchase errors
okay, so pay attention to your "Activity" window, you'll see that it is indeed attempting to connect to a song stream. If it seems to be loading a song that you're not playing, remember that kJams will always attempt to load (purchase / stream) the NEXT song in the playlist. The song AFTER the one you're playing in this case happens to be a streaming song. but your network timed out.

The next one too is not a "random error". You've chosen to play a streaming song, and you haven't set up your streaming account, so kJams is asking you to set it up.

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