I've had a problem in recent weeks with my MacBook Pro screens going black and hence all the screens thats connected to it doing the same as well as the sound going off. It's as though the laptop switches off but the on light is still on. After about a minute everything comes back and the track that was playing continues from the same point
This only ever happens at one venue, even though I use exactly the same set up, and it's been a royal pain in the ass. I've usually got a singer singing and then everything goes dead but it still happens between singers
It's not kJams, it's something else.
I know this sounds really odd but in the last two weeks I think I might have sussed it out. At this particular venue I always leave my mobile phone on the laptop and I did notice on one occasion that when I moved it, the screens came back. I didn't know if this was a coincidence so the next time I was at a another venue I put the mobile on the laptop and after some time the screens and sound vanished. Last night at the venue where I normally have the problem, I didn't put the mobile on the laptop and I had no problems at all.
Am I dreaming or has anyone else had a problem like this.
Laptop (Crashing) well sort of
Re: Laptop (Crashing) well sort of
That's a new one for me...I've been tempted to put my phone on the laptop a few times, but I always catch myself.
From he to whom much liquor is given...much singing is expected.
Re: Laptop (Crashing) well sort of
Just got back from an apple store, I told them what happened and two of the staff said it was probably the laptop switching itself off. A mobile phone can produce a magnetic field and that field could have triggered the sleep switch in the laptop, as though the lid had been closed. The shutdown I experienced was as though the laptop had gone to sleep, so they might be correct
Re: Laptop (Crashing) well sort of
EXTRA weird!
Re: Laptop (Crashing) well sort of
Hmmm...now I want to try this.
From he to whom much liquor is given...much singing is expected.