Need Songs!!!

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Need Songs!!!

Post by aliciakjacobs »


I've been hosting a weekly karaoke night at a local pub since mid-August. I had been successfully using Tricerasoft streaming each week to just pull up songs as they were requested. The bar has good wifi which was always enough to queue up songs within a minute for singers. I didn't even need books because the tricersoft library was so huge.

So now here I am, freaking out because this gig is a lot of income for me, and I am suddenly without a karaoke library as a result of tricerasft going away. I need some basic library, and fast. I'm willing to invest money - this is a huge deal for me and I can't give up this gig while I figure it out. But honestly, I stumbled upon kjams and tricerasoft by chance when I was offered this gig and I'm feeling panicked and lost without that streaming service. Does anyone have advice?!? Thanks!


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Re: Need Songs!!!

Post by natblend »

where are you located?

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Re: Need Songs!!!

Post by DeusExMachina »

Depending on how legitimate you desire to be, you have a few options. You could simply purchase the Sound Choice GEM series which would give you legal access and physical CDs for 6000 Sound Choice tracks (a similar program is now available for ChartBusters). But know in advance that it is quite expensive.
You could purchase original disks from eBay one at a time.
Both these options would leave you completely legal.
There are numerous options, both local and online, for less legitimate sources for tracks. Most of these will leave you with a big headache getting the tracks' metadata sorted out for optimal use within kJams (or most any other app). But if you have the time and energy to put in the work in, it's doable.

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Re: Need Songs!!!

Post by dave »

what he said. gem is expensive but excellent quality

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