History 1.0d48

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1.0d48 November 25 2007

  • oh i'm procrastinating fixing the bugs on Instant Sorting
  • but i DID get configurable columns working. You can now add/remove columns as you see fit by Right Clicking (control clicking) on the sort columns header. Some don't work. Not yet able to make "custom" columns
  • switchable albums causes an assert and maybe a crash? fixed.
  • huh? i stick in a CD and see no tracks?!? fixed.
  • context menu is gone. fixed
  • saving meta data on a CD doesn't save?? no, it does save, but it's in the new meta format, forgot to make the reader deal with it. fixed
  • added Year, Genre, Tempo, Size and Comment columns support. not fully tested.
  • things specified as right justified now are actually shown as right justified (eg: "#")
  • no longer asserting when mounting a bin/cue pair
  • a CD is now default sorted by track
  • new playlists (including new singers, CDs) now get default widths correctly set for the columns
  • default library no longer has PLI index column (i'm so glad to be rid of that)
  • when burning a disc, it will *always* burn in User Sort order. Optionally: if you happen to be sorted by something else when you click burn, eg: by Name (cuz you want to burn the disc with the tracks in Alphabetical Order) then the User Sort order for that playlist will first be renumbered to match your current sort order.
  • fixed a bad bug when burning a disc, would save the Meta info for the about-to-be-burnt CD in a bad state, or not at all. I now write it correctly. It would also be read wrong, so now I can almost always completely recover from the bad state. If I can't recover completely, you'll be warned next time you load that CD.
  • the dreaded "error replicating song name" now tells which song it was.
  • Fixed an ASSERT(0) when saving
  • iPod, AppleTV and iPhone exports now use the Official Apple Exporters!!! YAAAAY!!! No more hacked MPEG 4 baloney that did not always work!! Please set your export prefs again, thanks.
  • the 3GPP exporter is now enabled! Go crazy you karaoke-on-my-phone freaks! (note: i am member of your group)
  • secret developer command-shift-1..9 will sort by that column number. note 3 and 4 don't work cuz they do screen shots. this will be removed in the future.
  • d47r1 August 5 2007 Lite Pro
  • when you set meta info on a song, the sort columns would NOT re-sort themselves!! EEKS! fixed.
  • fixed several crashes related to quitting while stuff is still going on
  • when adding to library your folder of thousands of songs, you no longer get an ASSERT() about every corrupted zip file
  • When reporting that a QT encode failed, the curly quotes now look correct
  • woops you can delete playlist items again, sorry about that
  • when you run kJams, the KJ rotation is rebuilt from the database, rather than relying on the "saved" data. please tell me if this ever screws you up
  • pressing play on a playlist when there is nothing playing and nothing selected BUT the playlist still remembers it's current song, now will play that current song, NOT the song after that.
  • now available in German, mostly.
  • when you sort a playlist, it now invalidates the burn image
  • when revealing in finder something in the rotation, you get both the singer and the song
  • going between PPC <-> Intel with your DB did not correctly deal with Dates of the last time the song was sung, not it is fixed.
  • d47r3 August 9 2007 Lite Pro
  • On 10.4, you get the Brand New Pitch Bender. Currently only used when playing live, the new pitch bender should sound much better (less warble). Users on 10.3 are stuck with the old version. Very soon this will also be hooked into QT Export and Burning.
  • totally re-wrote the audio sub system yet again, now it's much more pluginnable. look forward to AudioUnit effects and mic mixing! not available yet.
  • when you play a song, see new logging info on the audio unit chain, if you're interested.
  • when reading a CD's playlist i now more correctly find the lengths of the real songs on the CD so they're more likely to match the playlist
  • when pushing meta data, the file name of the actual song files DO NOT CHANGE if you don't have good meta data to change it to (no more "unkown album" or whatnot)
  • if you get info on a song, then hit cancel, it no longer tries to set it's meta info
  • OMG when kJams zips a song file, the file that was there before is DELETED while the file is zipping. Oh can you imagine crashing JUST THEN? Guess what? You'd lose your song, it's GONE!! Well thanks to "Tony T" for pointing that out. Now i do a "safe save" thing.
  • corrupted zip files are only added to the playlist once.
  • now printing out better logging when you stick in a disc
  • you can now "Get Info" even when you're already editing a name (usually it's an accident anyway)
  • more german
  • corrected curly quotes again on yet another dialog
  • if you're getting an assert dialog a million times in a row, hold down command and option, and you'll get beeps instead
  • d47r5 August 17 2007 Lite Pro Oops, this produced noise on PowerPC machines.
  • fixed the endian-issue on PPC machines, so it no longer produces pure noise. I hope none of you blew your speakers!
  • there is a new pref under preferences->audio "Use Apple AudioUnit for Pitch Bending", which is on by default on suitable machines, and off by default on non-suitable ones. If it is off, it uses the old SoundTouch library, if it is on it uses Apple's AUTimePitch, which is optimized and is smooooother, but which may utterly stall a slow machine.
  • even more german
  • now allowing people to use "-" and "/" in their song / artist / album names, and hopefully this won't royally screw you over in the future when you have to rebuild your library. normally this is a very big no-no since these are special meta characters that *mean* something.
  • d47r6 August 18 2007 Lite Pro
  • if you recently burnt a disc with pitch bending, sorry, it was bad, you should re-burn it. symptoms were: after the burn, if you re-mounted it you'd get no meta-info on the CD, and if you then played the disc in real hardware, the start-of-song timing was off for songs following the pitch bent song, getting progressively worse to the end of the disc
  • fixed like FIVE bugs related to burning!!
  • when you reveal a playlist, if you've burnt it and the burn image is still around, you get that too
  • even more German!!
  • the new pitch bender is hooked into QuickTime export and Burning
  • new columns supported: comment, keywords, bio, year, times sung. you can edit any of them, and if they're showing search on them
  • if there's an error attempting to read the CD table of contents, we now gracefully close the CD instead of leaving it open
  • in the SoundTouch pitch bender, when the audio runs dry you will now get perfect silence, rather than possible noise (rare case?)
  • during burn prep, if the prep doesn't produce a burn image that is the exactly perfect length, you now get a spooler error instead of a bad burn (!)
  • when the burn image goes stale, it is completely deleted, rather than leaving small bits behind
  • if set up a burn image but don't burn it, then add the .bin file to kJams (while it still lives in the cached burn images folder), then when you delete the songs from the .bin file, i no longer delete the bin file, i just leave it there (cuz you may still want it to burn again)
  • if you rip a song that is already in the library, it is now more likely kJams will find the song and replace it, so you won't make duplicates
  • no longer un-necessarily refreshing the view (update_items), which was causing the burn image to go invalid
  • If you played a song on CD, decided you liked it so drug it to your library (while it's playing), then you decided a) you don't like it or b) you want to stop the song from playing. Having made your decision you press ⌘-. or [esc], which cancels the rip, which is unfortunate if you meant only b. In any case this would crash, but that is now fixed. I'm not going to fix the part about how it halts the rip when you meant to just stop plaing. If you want to stop the song in that case just press pause or play a different song (that is not on the CD of course, since you're in the middle of a rip)
  • d47r9 August 25 2007 Lite Pro
  • tweaked editing meta info directly in the browser: maybe you won't crash now
  • all songs are converted to FSRefs when you open the database now (they're like internal aliases, so they won't break when you move or rename files). This means your DB will load a bit slower, sorry, such is the price. When saving they're converted back to paths. Any songs NOT found will remain as paths and will still save as paths, so you won't lose any information. What this means is that for songs which *are* found, you can rename them at will in the finder and they won't go missing *as long as kJams is running*. Soon they will also *save* as aliases, so you can do the same even when kJams is NOT running. This is a big deal, and a big change. Please report problems immediately.
  • if you hide the (Song) "ID" column (and sort index, and date, and track) then when you opened kJams your tracks list went missing. okay this is fixed.
  • pushing meta data would crash if you deleted a song it was about to push. no more crashy.
  • tweaked more stuff to hope you don't crash (related to playing songs)
  • re-wrote the smart playlist stuff (not tested, however). so it should be less crashy. i hope. but i'm sure you'll let me know.
  • finally disabled "Pull all audio out of iTunes" since it's been busted for a while anyway
  • added more asserts to help me track down some other bugs (one related to just starting up)
  • tiny bit of started to work on truly user-customizable columns
  • fixed crash on quit due to AppleRemote
  • d47r10 August 29 2007 Lite Pro
  • you can now play mono or multichannel QuickTime files, they will be mixed down to 2 channels
  • you can now play amr files (like you get from your iPhone voice recorder, i know you wanted that)
  • fixed the ability to play all those ancient audio file types, eg: qualcom, IMA, MACE, mu-law, qdesign, amr etc. Now I can literally play ALL quicktime audio files, and recompress them to different formats.
  • ATTN Tony!! I lost your fone number!! This one's for you!! the name template parser is now much more powerful. you can now do complicated things like "/T L/S-R/" and it will get what you mean. There's also a new string type "I" which stands for "ignore" if you want to skip some data :)
  • new "always on top" option under window menu, only relevant when in full screen. use in conjunction with "auto full screen" and "hide when paused (or stopped)"
  • more work on saving aliases in the database, not hooked up yet
  • when you stop a song and you have "auto full screen" on, it now un-full-screens it
  • d47r11 August 30 2007 Lite Pro
  • sources list of "Singers" now sorts by Present then by name (so singers who are here bubble to the top. Note: right now you have to refresh the list, so twirl it closed then open and it will be re-sorted)
  • tracks list of singers (which shows when you select the Singers folder), the list that is sorted by "Here" (Present) now does actually update behind the scenes, but at the moment you still have to refresh it when you make changes (sort by name, then re-sort by "Here" and the singers who are present will bubble to the top.
  • saving your database now gets a progress bar so you're not left wondering what the hell it taking so long when you quit or something.
  • the pitch bend heads up displayer is now more legible (fill over stroke, rather than stroke over fill)
  • the name template parser is now even MORE powerful: you can now parse something like this: "CB0342-4-07 Bad - U2 - some random stuff" with "L-L-T S - R - I". See how the L-L will suck up that number??
  • fixed a crasher in the name template parser
  • d47r13 September 1 2007 Lite Pro
  • fixed a crash if quitting invokes a save. workaround: press ⌘-S (save) before quitting
  • fixed a failure to burn (file not found)
  • fixed the progress bar on the ring buffer
  • fixed some bugs related to playing audio, perhaps causing crashes and/or files not playing, or exporting quicktime directly off CD
  • did more work on aliases
  • did some prelim work on setting quality of pitch bender to max (new pref NOT hooked up yet)
  • d47r14 September 3 2007 Lite Pro
  • deleting a very large selection of songs from the database no longer takes like two hours per song. *dam* that was hard, you know that was three full days of work on my part??? I thought it would be easy "just optimize the delete function" turned out there were a dozen or so places that needed optimization and about five new functions had to be written. WOW. but now it's fast. You can delete 40,000 songs in about 8 seconds.
  • I had severely slowed down the loading of your library (by creating aliases for every song), i've fixed that. No longer creating aliases on read. *still* not creating them on write either, coming VERY Soon.
  • put progress bars on the song deletion process so you're not left wondering what the hell is going on.
  • added secret "Sharing" pref. Shhhhh!!!
  • fixed a crasher when you export directly from CD to QuickTime using the new AudioUnit pitch bender
  • any quicktime file that has only audio is now supported together with a CDG file
  • d47r15 September 9 2007 Lite Pro
  • fixed a crasher if your library was so strange it needed to delete itself
  • more cleanup in the file reference code (so we can move over to aliases soon)
  • turned off Verify() in the DB so it doesn't go comparing apples to oranges (in this case, PlayList IDs with Song IDs, which are different things)
  • you can force-save the DB with ⌘⇧⌥-S (command shift option S)
  • shut off AppleTimePitch (sorry about the bugs in that, i'll fix'em before i let you turn it back on)
  • the DB was taking *forever* to load for some of you, i've now put it back to "lickety split" mode
  • d47r17 September 16 2007 Lite Pro
  • even MORE german
  • okay! completed the ability to save/load database files that contain aliases. This version of kJams *can* read the new format, however I'm not going to turn on the ability for writing for a few releases. That way, there will be the ability to read the NEW format and write the OLD format, so in case there are problems in the newer versions, people can still revert to previous versions. Note: the new format requires the DB file to be like 5 times larger, sorry, that's the cost of aliases
  • we're also a step closer to having real "search paths", ie: a list of paths rather than that single path in the advanced prefs panel
  • there is a new "Missing" column, doesn't work yet, will suddenly start working when i turn on writing of the new alias database format
  • deleting meta data from an object now causes the meta data to become dirty (requiring a save). Used to be it would only get dirty when adding or changing
  • there was a bug where if you caused meta data to be "pushed" that the DB would keep saving the songs with the indicator that they *still* need to be pushed, even after the pushing was successful. This has been fixed. (no more push tasks on startup after the push is successful)
  • added ability to play .wma files (movies or just audio) (you have to have the proper QuickTime plugin for this to work)
  • the name parser can now parse out periods ("."), so this is now legal eg: if the string is "Vertigo - U2 - Sf1234.04", the template would be "S - R - L.T" I did not have time to test this, please tell me if it worked. I'm talking to you Tony :)
  • the name parser will now append repeat templates with a space rather than a period, eg: if the string is "Cb5043-02 01 - U2 - Vertigo", the template would be "L-L T - R - S", (see those two letter ells?) and the album would come out as "Cb5043 02" instead of "Cb5043.02" (and don't you dare manually put a dash in there)
  • the name parser will no longer crash on strings that can't possibly match
  • d47r18 September 23 2007 Lite Pro
  • Some burnt discs that had fewer than 10 tracks on them would, when placed in an internal drive, not show proper meta data, possibly even just after burning, or other discs would just rip or play very wrong parts of the disc, possibly crashing or causing video glitches. The fewer tracks on the disc, the more likely the problem. This has been a bug since the beginning of time. It is now finally fixed.
  • fixed the "beachball when you put in a disc" bug. Symptom would continue with: after you force quit the drive would NOT eject the disc, forcing you to restart.
  • the way playlists are saved is now much more robust, and works much better, this fixes problems with saving playlists not actually working on NTFS volumes
  • FIXED the ripping bug!!! This bug would also show up when just playing too! But those ripping problems should go away now!
  • if you get a multisession error, it now says what type
  • fixed a problem with letting the user create playlists or singers with identical names (now they can't)
  • fixed a startup crasher if you had accidentally deleted a singer's playlist in the finder, i now detect and correct for this
  • timers now each have a debug name (so i can debug them easier)
  • fixed MORE stuff relating to songs going missing. Now the chances i'll find them are better.
  • switching venues no longer causes a crash
  • can no longer skip back past the start of the rotation (again)
  • the KJ rotation does not show the wrong songs for songs already sung in the current rotation (but you still can't skip back to them, i'm working on it)
  • saving in general is more robust
  • no longer leaving lots of cruft in the temp folder after saving
  • if your library needed to be located during startup, your location is saved (so you don't have to do it again if you quit and restart)
  • the tasks window now updates 4x per second (up from 2)
  • d47r21 October 3 2007 Lite Pro
  • fixed rotation. songs now disappear from singer's "Tonight" list when they sing them, and you can skip backward within a rotation. Note a feature: if you are *stopped* (ie: no song is playing, and no song is PAUSED), and you SKIP FORWARD, you have skipped the current singer and the song they had cue'd up. The feature is that this song is NOT removed from the singer's "Tonight", so next time they get up, that song is still there for them
  • fixed the song context menu that lets you add the current song to a singer.
  • added song context menu that lets you add the selection to a NEW singer, and it targets the singer too
  • moved the song->add to singer context menu item up to the top of the context menu
  • File->Export->Original Playlist Songs has been completely overhauled. It now gives the choice to export flat or hierarchic, and what type of hierarchic (Artists or Albums), and it uses the Preferences->Tags conform template string to rename the files on the way out
  • some menus could possibly have garbage in them, fixed
  • d47r22 October 5 2007 Lite Pro
  • i had busted the ability to play movies, fixed
  • fixed several bugs related to files going missing and being able to find them again
  • the "Source" list is now itself a playlist. This enables the whole system to be treated as a folders of folders. I know you don't care about these details, but this is a milestone in the whole meta data thing. Since every item can now be treated as the same kind of object, it simplifies an enormous ammout of code. Not to mention I now have nothing in the way of making "folders". Wouldn't you like that? How about an arbitrary number of playlists under the singer? these things are now possible.
  • the "File XXX" metadata is now supported. This means you can actually show the file paths in the databrowser (right click, pick "File XXX")
  • when you add a meta data column, it now uses it's default width, rather than ((min + max) / 2)
  • if you click on a singer, then press delete, and the confirm dialog comes up and then the singer goes into rename mode, and you hit OK, you don't get an assert fail
  • if a song which is a movie is missing, then when you try to play it, kJams will now ask you to look for it, rather than simply ignoring you
  • things got faster (if saving a playlist, i wait 1/10th second to try again, rather than 1 second) (eg: make 5 new singers by pressing new singer quickly over and over)
  • more German
  • metadata traits gets it's own database
  • metadata strings are updated on demand instead of every time the data is accessed
  • d47r23 October 9 2007 Lite Pro
  • more work on metadata, less special cases, more generic cases. I hope i didn't break anything.
  • shoot! fixed a failure to even start up if it's your first time!
  • fixed a failure to quit (now can no longer cause the sources playlist to be "dirty")
  • d47r24 October 10 2007 Lite Pro
  • put in a recursion check for updating the browser window, was causing a crash and hang, now it might just show an assert fail then error "bad recursion", but i still need to know about it
  • fixed a HEINOUS bug in the way i handle files. I was passing around pointers willy nilly, to anyone who wanted one, and they might just throw it in the trash when i wasn't looking. Now I make each user take a copy of their own file pointer, which they may throw away if they see fit, but it won't throw away the original file! (this is euphamistic, that's not what's really going on, suffice to say: no more crashing randomly due to EXC_BAD_ACCESS when managing files!)
  • fixed a bug when handling file paths, that would make you crash
  • fixed yet another bug when trying to locate a song that wasn't where i thought it was (would cause a crash or missing file, when it was really right there)
  • d47r26 October 10 2007 Lite Pro
  • Song ID, "missing", graphic cchannels, vocal channel, pitch, and "Here" are handled as generic meta data now, no more special case
  • fixed "missing" and "present" to actually work (tho "missing" is not entirely hooked up)
  • many meta data items now "just work" since the generic handlers are all online
  • lots of new secret code in the Disc Reader, does not yet work, not hooked up yet.
  • fixed crashers when saving after the very first time you run (and subsequently)
  • fixed a hang forever situation when there are 2 items in the rotation and one is missing and you hit the next button
  • if you are tryout, and you create too many singers, you don't assert fail when you quit
  • the "Add To Singer" context menu now actually really does for real work, even when there are no singers marked "here", you can still add a new singer
  • d47r29 October 13 2007 Lite Pro
  • names with "-" or "/" are now allowed (singer, artist, album, song title), at least in theory. I haven't really fully tested that with FreeDB and such
  • text in the browser will be truncated with “…” properly
  • the DiscReader will now tell you if you have one of those rare drives that supports CDG even tho Apple doesn't say so. Please let me know if you have one, and i'll fix it for you.
  • you can no longer GetInfo on a playlist (until i support that function)
  • if you pick "Edit->Remove all Playlist Items from Library" (or whatever it says), then you'll get a much stronger warning that you probably shouldn't do that.
  • touching the volume control now dirties the pref, so you can be sure it is saved
  • support for ephemeral meta data (eg: "Software") (ephemeral will not be saved with the song)
  • no longer leaking Singer meta on every save
  • i worked ALL DAY LONG trying to find the playlists-not-saving bug but could not nail it :(
  • d47r30 October 20 2007 Lite Pro
  • YIKES!! Oh i broke you all on 10.3.9 again, sorry about that. (application simply does not launch) Time to upgrade right? You should jump straight to 10.5 okay?? Anyway it's fixed. But you know i can't keep supporting 10.3.9 for much longer.* you can
  • you can again use the "here" checkboxes in the list of singers, and they actually work as expected
  • more work on alias records, this time relating to creating relative aliases
  • you should no longer get an assert fail if you happen to be pushing meta when you quit
  • no longer crashing when saving a singer (or just after you create a new singer)
  • more generic-ifying of meta data, this in prep for "arbitrary meta per song"
  • "track #" and "duration" are now self-contained meta objects (not that you care)
  • if an OS version ever gets to X.X.16 (eg: 10.5.16) then you'll get an assert saying that that is weird
  • d47r31 October 24 2007 Lite Pro
  • ready for Leopard!
  • Leopard: the gray background behind the widgets draws correctly
  • Leopard: text size in dialog text edits is now correct
  • disabled the raw disc reader checker on PPC cuz it's crashing (will fix ASAP)
  • windows that land offscreen now slide back onscreen (say when a monitor gets unplugged between runs)
  • the Window->Zoom menu item is sortof partially hooked up. but it will bring windows back that went offscreen too
  • Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
  • moving the browswer window or the video window will now dirty the prefs, so you can be sure the position will be remembered when you quit and run again
  • the disc info and track info dialogs no longer get grosser and grosser if you switch out / in several times
  • d47r32 October 26 2007 Lite Pro
  • when switching venues, no longer making the database dirty (which would then require a save)
  • fixed a hang-on-quit problem (or it could crash) when you created a new playlist then immediately quit, you'd get in a loop saving the playlist over and over
  • venue names are now uniqified. that is, if you make a new venue, and do not rename it, then add some singers, rotation, etc, then make a new venue, it used to overwrite your previous venue (!) because the new one had the same name as the old one, now it makes a real new venue and gives it a unique name (just adding a number on the end)
  • the "delete venue" confirm dialog no longer has garbage characters for the venue name
  • the venue names and the menu are now fully unicode
  • fixed a bug on loading if you are missing any required playlists (rotation, singers list etc), i now recover and continue, rather than crash
  • no longer get assert fail when quitting if there are some playlists that need saving
  • no longer leaking a million CFStrings (there are probably a million others however)
  • finally fixed the compile warnings in the unzipper
  • I really am working on fixing those "disappearing playlist" bugs, but i need help!! Can you make it happen? Please contact me
  • Okay I added the ability to use a Microphone without running GarageBand or AudioHijack. New preferences.
  • Added the ability to pick your audio output device. You no longer need to hijack in order to route your audio.
  • fixed a bug where, upon first running kJams, if you select a singer, then twirl up the singers list, you no longer crash
  • when rebuilding your library you will no longer ever get the "too many numbers or odd characters" thing yay!
  • when quitting you no longer get the assert fail about the selection
  • Updated keyboard shortcuts for vol up/down/mute and new mic up/down/mute
  • d47r34 November 2 2007 Lite Pro
  • the Preset Playlists "Duplicates" and "Cull Duplicates" now works and FAST!
  • switching venues will be remembered in the prefs right away
  • if the kJams folder is missing when you start you now have the opportunity to find it
  • no longer crashing on keypresses for non-unicode keyboard scripts
  • no longer crashing when exiting rename mode (text edit in browser)
  • no longer aborting the file save threads on quit!!!!!?!?!!!? OMG!
  • d47r35 November 4 2007 Lite Pro See r36, below, which is actually labeled r35
  • Deleted the old and busted BugReporter
  • implemented a new and fresh bug reporting system that works on Leopard
  • you can now send the crash report (with log file) from the help menu
  • temporary files are now guaranteed to be unique
  • if you have "auto full screen" it no longer exits full screen on pause, only on stop
  • fixed some buffer overrun issues (potential crash)
  • if your sort columns have any "PLI" left over, it is deleted, and a "Sort Index" (#) replaces it if that wasn't there already
  • Custom Keyboard Shortcuts Now have no limitations (except for the space bar)
  • scripting works on Leopard
  • fixed the ASSERT() when you press a key for non-unicode keyboard scripts
  • cmd shift option S will always force save
  • esellerate should work now
  • d47r36 November 9 2007 Lite Pro (it calls itself r35)
  • tried to get .wma files going, but ran out of time. and i have no more clue now than when i started
  • the "auto full screen" and "hide on pause" now work with "auto cue"
  • always on top now updates it's state on pause/play, rather than start / stop
  • logging the audio unit chains list is now an atomic (ie: other loggings won't interrupt it in the middle)
  • the raw disc reader should not crash
  • when you get an error getting the true length of a track, i now log the actual error
  • "Convert selection to..." is now localized correctly
  • the "scan meta data" menu is now separated out from the song context menu
  • new ability to script the volumes of the speaker and mic 1 (other mics coming eventually)
  • no longer localizing unnecessary menus
  • the "Clear Cache" button in the prefs now waits a half second before updating the "size", so you can see it actually did something
  • d47r37 November 11 2007 Lite Pro
  • no longer playing silence for you Lite users
  • there is now a "default" audio output device, which uses the system pref setting
  • now logging channel layouts for audio
  • .wma files are now working just fine
  • i think i fixed the hide on pause thing? what?
  • sorry you people on Leopard who want to burn, the burner is presently broken, pending help from Apple
  • there is a new secret pref that allows you to do conversions "in place" for files that live outside the "kJams Library" folder.
  • keyboard shortcuts again work on Leopard
  • the raw disc reader actually works. it's sortof limping along however, and only rip one song at a time, and takes like 10 seconds to dismount the disc so it can gain exclusive access. i do not recommend you use it, really.
  • in the Burning Preferences panel, if you've never installed the Burner, you now get a button that says "Get it…"
  • sorry 10.3.9 users, i didn't mean to leave you behind again. You can now run again. :)
  • no longer logging the fact that i'm logging (causing like infinite recursion)
  • d47r38 November 14 2007 Lite Pro
  • turned back on the Apple TimePitch, with High Quality that now works (when it doesn't crash)
  • the Delete key (Edit->Clear) menu item is now enabled when you select a playlist
  • no longer possibly crash when going to previous song, in the rotation, under certain circumstances (like when there is no previous song or it can't be found)
  • sending the crash report on 10.3 and 10.4 actually works
  • you can now send just the log file, which will send the most recent one (the crash report version sends the most recent one that did not quit gracefully)
  • if the log file can't be created due to a permissions problem, kJams will continue to run, but you get no log file
  • Sorry Leopard Burner Dudes, burning is still busted. I expect to have some news tomorrow.
  • d47r39 November 16 2007 Lite Pro
  • when you send the log file, i now log the capabilities of every CD drive that has an audio disc mounted
  • when getting the "console.log" file, i now log where the failure happened, if any
  • when sending the crash report, i now also send the crash file (was sending 2 copies of the log file instead)
  • my LAME checker no longer requires the special version of lame that I built. but it does require it in framework format still
  • the "Edit->Clear" menu item no longer goes thru the keyboard handling code, now the keyboard code goes thru the menu instead
  • no longer deleting log files that happened today. symptom was: you'd get a thing says 'oh hai, ur crashied be4, send demz crashy report?" and you say 'oh sure' and it sez, "okay here it is" but then it disappeared like instantly. okay that's fixed
  • if you get a string encoding error i now log the string and how it was encoded, to help debugging
  • fixed the "CPU hog" problem when using the microphone. there may now be a slightly longer latency, sorry.
  • started working on the "search paths" pref panel, so when we switch to aliases, you can also easily move your library
  • d47r41 November 18 2007 Lite Pro
  • news from Apple: We can reproduce the problem, we are looking into it now (re: burning on Leopard). Monday Update: Apple is closed for the week. FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!
  • Crashing on startup due to illegal access by the preferences. fixed
  • d47r42 November 19 2007 Lite Pro
  • QuickTime MetaData was not being read on Intel machines, now it is
  • i had busted command-delete, now it is back (this will delete stuff without the "are you sure?" dialogs
  • a bit more work on the "search paths" preference panel, not done yet
  • Still crashing on startup due to LAME not being installed. I fixed it for me, does this fix it for you??
  • d47r43 November 20 2007 Lite Pro
  • No really, really REALLY i fixed the crash on startup due to LAME not being installed. * more work on the search paths pref panel
  • logging pointers no longer adds an extra "0x" to the start
  • d47r44 November 20 2007 Lite Pro
  • the search filter is now unicode aware. It is case-insensitive, non-literal, localized always. And is also diacritic insensitive on Leopard
  • logging is fixed a bit better on 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5, hope it works now
  • the reason for logging failing is now reported better in the, umm, log file
  • finally the raw disc reader now works on 10.3
  • more work done on the file paths pref panel, still lots to do
  • d47r45 November 21 2007 Lite Pro
  • if there's an access error creating or opening the log file i now explain with a dialog
  • New object to deal with arrays of file refs (aliases) for use in the search paths function
  • When you move to trash a song that is playing, you now get warned, and if you say OK then the song stops and the files actually do get moved to the trash
  • no longer leaking a stringref every time you type a character in the search field
  • no longer crashing when using AppleScript (eg: to unzip a file that won't otherwise unzip)

Previous Versions