Cyrillic problem

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Cyrillic problem

Post by dreben »

When i try to browse "Kjams", via IPhone, the search function is not available in Cyrillic. Can you fix it? There are a lot of people here from Russia and Bulgaria. Thanks.

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Re: Cyrillic problem

Post by dave »

YES! i definitely want to fix this, i have programmed kJams to be fully unicode compliant, so if there's a bug in character handling it will be easy to fix.

please give a concrete example for me to re-create the problem here. for example:
1: have a song in the library with Cyrillic characters
2: run kjams with the server
3: using "iJams", search for said song
result: no search results, empty list returned
if i do exactly the above, will i see the problem? or, can you update the steps to have all necessary information for me to re-create the problem? that will give me enough info to fix the bug!


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Re: Cyrillic problem

Post by dreben »

Well, Here is the concrete example:
1. I have more than 2000 songs in the library with Cyrillic characters.
2. I run kjams with the server: port-80.
3. Using "Wtkjams", and search for different songs in Cyrillic.
result: no search results, empty list returned.
4. Using "Ijams", and search for different songs in Cyrillic.
result: everything works the way it should.
I hope this is enough.

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Re: Cyrillic problem

Post by dave »

thanks for the info!
when i get back next week, i'll fix this!


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Re: Cyrillic problem

Post by DeusExMachina »

FYI, wtkJams does not appear to handle unicode very well. One example is my own singer name. To keep me at the top of the alphabetized playlist (since i use my own account for testing, along with other reasons) I use the char ⌥ space as the lead character of my name. While this works fine for showing the name in wtkJams, I can NOT use it as the default singer, since there is no way to enter the character, and wtkJams doesn't let you pick the name from the list of singers, but forces you to enter it by hand, which, again, I can't do.
In general, I suspect that Unicode is an afterthought that has, well, not been thought.

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Re: Cyrillic problem

Post by djunod »

I'll take a look, but it will take some time as I'm not in that mode right now.

I would like to point out to DeusExMachina that you have been a beta tester for wtkJams for quite a long time with access to wtkJams bug reporting mechanism and you have never reported a bug.

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Re: Cyrillic problem

Post by DeusExMachina »

Hmm, there must be some communication error, because I have attempted to point out several things in the past, including the aforementioned unicode issue, along with the suggestion that the default singer be selected from the list of singers as opposed to being typed in. Not sure why those communications are not being received.
That said, I have not done so as a bug report, as I have not seen them as bugs, but rather simple UI issues. In terms of actual bugs, the problem there is that because of the server bug issue, it is hard to address bugs in wtkJams, as all server activity is causing crashing of kJams itself. So I can not realistically use wtkJams in a testing situation live, since doing so increases my chances of crashing while playing at a venue exponentially! (That and I can't log in as default singer :) .)
While I believe that this may be related to the code added to allow passing of the Rotation playlist to wtkJams, it's pretty clear the error is not on the wtkJams side, but a bug in kJams itself. As Dave knows, I have been fighting this beastie for many months now. But until this is ironed out, finding actual errors in wtkJams is not practicable, for the aforementioned reasons.
Well, that and so far it has been pretty rock solid! :)
In fact, for me, iJams is the main bug source, since it simply has failed to work, 100% of the time, starting many months back.

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Re: Cyrillic problem

Post by DeusExMachina »

Confirmed. I sent several PMs, from here as well as via e-mail and via the wtk site. They mentioned both these UI issues as well (as a request that my library, that you are very kindly hosting, BTW, be renamed, since it is currently named as my kJams forum login name, which has nothing to do with my shows, and thus makes no sense.
No one at my venues has any clue what "DeusExMachina" is!)
But anyway, as mentioned, I have been purposely avoiding any use of either iOS app, since the more people on the server, the greater the likelihood is that it will crash. In addition, because searches are now (hopefully temporarily) all on a single, serial thread, along with logins, playlist loading, new singer creation, etc., and no longer occur in parallel, any activity on the server from my end, be it wtkJams, iJams, or via localhost, will only server to MASSIVELY slow down server interaction for everyone else.
So for these reasons I have been forced to refrain from most any and all iOS kJams server app use while live. Otherwise, as Dave might well assure you, I might well be flooding your inbox with reports. (Or not. wtkJams seems quite stable, and I have not had many complaints or reports of issues.)

Oh, and FTR, this timing is one reason among many as to why I suspect that the bug exists in changes made to accommodate reporting the rotation to wtkJams. The server crashes started in earnest just about the time I signed on to the beta program. At first, there was also another, OSX 10.6.8 openGL bug that was also causing crashes, so that confused things, but after that was bypassed by moving to Lion (UGH!!!!) the server bug really rose to the fore. At that point, I stopped any and all experimental hammering at the underpinnings of the server-based apps, because they were causing me to crash repeatedly, sometimes as often a 10+ times in a four hour period. Needless to say, not having that happen took priority! :)

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Re: Cyrillic problem

Post by dave »


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