Other formats than CDG?

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Other formats than CDG?

Post by joakkis »

I'm thinking of using kJams Pro to host a hiphop karaoke show. Since there are practically no such releases in CDG format, I'm looking for some software to play mp3 playbacks while displaying 2-3 lines of lyrics at a time.

I was hoping kJams supports some simple txt format, of timestamped phrases; much as http://karvis.sourceforge.net/wazzap.html. Any such support for kJams?

- Joakim

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kar files

Post by dave »

kJams will eventually support KAR files, which are MIDI files that have text in them, in addition to any other QuickTime format. there is software already out there that can help you create sync'd text files and output them in quicktime format. it's rather a long shot that this would get built into kJams but it's not out of the question. If more people request it, i'll certainly do it.


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