lost music files in kjams

Feel free to post bug reports here. I need exact, detailed steps showing me how I can re-create the bug on my machine, so give as much info and detail as possible.
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lost music files in kjams

Post by gtentertainment »

Hi Dave we have been having an issue that when restore our files to kjams because we have lost a lot of files as we are close to the limit of our GB. The issue now is when we try to restore to the kjams it doesnt hold the backup files. Now I'm scared if i extremely cleanup the rest of the computer and have my music only on kjams that i will lose everything from my library. The backups wont backup something that isnt there. Please we really need this fixed somehow. I really hope you can help. Thanks and talk to you soon.

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Re: lost music files in kjams

Post by dave »

well, it's difficult to advise you without more detailed info.

what people generally do is move their kjams installation to an external, portable drive. that way it doesn't take up all the room on the internal drive.

i can help you get back to normal, but it will have to be next week, as i'm out this week. we can talk on the phone.

please call during office hours and we'll get you straightened out!


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