Filler karaoke songs when noone in rotation list

Is kJams missing a feature you need? Post it here! Note: if iTunes has it but kJams doesn't, it's a good bet kJams will have it, but that I just haven't gotten around to it yet. But go ahead and request it anyway!
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Filler karaoke songs when noone in rotation list

Post by Bialykot »

I think I asked this question a few months back and the feature was on the 'to do' list, but don't think it's been implemented as yet.

Is there any way to invoke a playlist of karaoke songs that will automatically run when there are no singers in the rotation? I know there is the auto-fade with iTunes feature, but this would be a separate list of e.g. cdg songs that would simply kick in when no one queuing for songs to keep things ticking over.

Is this something that will be added and any sort of timescale, please?

Many thanks.

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Re: Filler karaoke songs when noone in rotation list

Post by dave »

The only thing available now is for Mac (not windows), and you must use iTunes for the filler music: ... Crossfader

the time table is "a long time from now". i have to just get 1.0 done and out the door, no more big features. but this is the top feature for the next version after 1.0.

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