fallback system in case of laptop failure

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fallback system in case of laptop failure

Post by ocheye »

I use KJams for backing tracks as a solo singer/guitarist. Most of my tracks have been modified (start/end points, keys etc). I use a MacBook Pro but live in fear that the system may fail.
I have had one or two glitches in the past but nothing that has prevented me from continuing.
I have an iPad and an iPhone and wondered if it is possible to play the tracks/playlists (as saved in KJams) with one or other of these devices and ideally be able to see displayed lyrics and have the tracks pause automatically and cue up for the next track.
It is purely for emergency use but I would feel a lot happier if I had a fallback system. Does anyone have the same issue and have they found a solution?

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Re: fallback system in case of laptop failure

Post by ocheye »

For the record I'm running 10.13.6

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Re: fallback system in case of laptop failure

Post by dave »

you can export your songs to your iPad, which preserves key changes, but it does NOT preserve your start / end points.

better to just have a second computer, with a literal CLONE of your setup, also running at the same time, that you can instantly switch over to.

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Re: fallback system in case of laptop failure

Post by ocheye »

Thanks Dave. My intention is to get a second laptop eventually. I understand that this will require me to purchase another edition of the software. Is that correct?
PS Many thanks for your help recently. As you suggested, I have reviewed and restored and reloaded every track and things are running relatively smoothly now

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Re: fallback system in case of laptop failure

Post by DeusExMachina »

"2. We grant you one license to install and use this software on two computers at a time, both computers must be owned and used only by you. You may use them both at the same time, but someone else may not use the second copy at the same time."

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Re: fallback system in case of laptop failure

Post by ocheye »

That's fine then. Thanks

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Re: fallback system in case of laptop failure

Post by dave »


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